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L.-L. Zhu, H. Liu, W.-W. Xie, and Q. Shi*

Explicit system-bath correlation calculated using the hierarchical equations of motion method

J. Chem. Phys. 137, 194106 (2012)


Z.-Z. Xu, Q. Liao, Q. Shi, H.-L. Zhang, J.-N. Yao, and H.-B. Fu*

Low-Threshold Nanolasers Based on Slab-Nanocrystals of H-Aggregated Organic Semiconductors

Adv. Mater. 24, OP216-OP220 (2012)


H.-X Li,* R.-H. Zheng, and Q. Shi*

Theoretical Study of Charge Carrier Transport in Organic Semiconductors of Tetrathiafulvalene Derivatives

J. Phys. Chem. C 116, 11886–11894 (2012)


C.-J. Yao, R.-H. Zheng, Q. Shi, Y.-W. Zhong*, and J.-N. Yao

1,4-Benzene-bridged covalent hybrid of triarylamine and cyclometalated ruthenium: a new type of organic–inorganic mixed-valent system

Chem. Comm. 48, 5680-5682 (2012)


Y.-Y Sun, R.-H. Zheng, and Q. Shi*

Theoretical Study of Raman Spectra of Methanol in Aqueous Solutions: Non-Coincident Effect of the CO Stretch

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C. Zhang, Y.-L Yan, Y.-Y. Jing, Q. Shi, Y.-S. Zhao*, and J.-N. Yao*

One-Dimensional Organic Photonic Heterostructures: Rational Construction and Spatial Engineering of Excitonic Emission

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X.-Q. Cao, S.-M. Bai, Y.-S. Wu, Q. Liao, Q. Shi, H.-B. Fu*, J.-N. Yao*

Self-assembly of twisted tetrachloroperylenediimide chromophores into two dimensional brick-stone aggregates: exciton dynamics and photoconductivity

Chem. Comm. 48, 6402-6404 (2012)


R.-H Zheng, W.-M Wei*, Y.-Y. Sun, Qiang Shi*

Theoretical study on resonance Raman scattering for C60 molecules in benzene solutions

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Y. -Y Jing, R. –H. Zheng, H. –X. Li, and Q. Shi*

Theoretical Study of the Electronic–Vibrational Coupling in the Qy States of the Photosynthetic Reaction Center in Purple Bacteria

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