Graduate Student
| Tianchu Li(李天楚) Room: 2-318 Email: Research interest: Reduced quantum dynamics Charge and energy transfer Education: Phd Candidate, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2019-present BA, Chemistry, Nanjing University, 2019 |
1.Yan Y, Xu M, Li T, Shi Q. Efficient propagation of the hierarchical equations of motion using the Tucker and hierarchical Tucker tensors [J]. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2021, 154(19): 194104.
2.Li T, Yan Y, Shi Q. A low-temperature quantum Fokker–Planck equation that improves the numerical stability of the hierarchical equations of motion for the Brownian oscillator spectral density J. Chem. Phys. 156, 064107 (2022)
3.T. Xing, T.-C. Li, Y.-M. Yan, and Q. Shi Mixed quantum classical reaction rates based on the phase space formulation of the hierarchical equations of motion Chin. J. Chem. Phys.
4.T. Xing, T.-C. Li, Y.-M. Yan, S.-M. Bai, and Q. Shi Application of the imaginary time hierarchical equations of motion method to calculate real time correlation functions J. Chem. Phys.